
Unisa Forex Trading Course Fees

Unisa Curt Courses Business Management

University of South Africa (Unisa) Online Application 2021-2022

Unisa Short Courses Business Management

Banking programmes

Name of Programme Cost per module Total cost of Program
Grade in Fundamentals of Cyberbanking and Risk Management R1 400 R2 800

Business and general management

Name of Programme Cost per module Full cost of Program
Short Course in SMME Management R1 860 R1 860
Brusk Course in Writing a Business Plan R1 900 R1 900
Grade in International Business Management R2 250 R4 500
Course in Management Principles for Get-go-line Managers R1 450 R2 900
Class in Principles of Constructive Leadership R1 900 R3 800
Course in Strategic Management R1 500 R3 000
Programme in Strategic Direction and Corporate Governance R2 750 R22 000
Programme in Business Management R1 600 R9 600
Program in Function Management R1 620 R6 480
Programme in Sport Management R 1 500 R9 000
Plan in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management R1 890 R7 560
Programme in Business Focused Management R1 890 R7 560
Plan in Safety Direction R1 950 R7 800
Programme in Advanced Safe Management R2 160 R8 640
Programme in Knowledge Management R1 550 R6 200
Programme in Advanced Part Management R2 385 R9 540

Business concern communication

Name of programme Cost per module Total price of program
Programme in Concern Advice R1 500 R6 000

Financial management

Name of Programme Cost per module Total price of Program
Brusk Course in Basic Financial Life Skills R1 850 R1 850
Short Course in Basic Business Finance R1 620 R1 620
Course in Share and Forex Trading R2 000 R6 000
Grade in Financial Management R1 900 R3 800
Course in Fiscal Operation and Measurement Control R2 050 R2 050
Course in Personal Financial Management R1 999 R1 999
Programme in Financial Management R2 052 R8 208
Programme in Investment Assay and Portfolio Management R1700 R8 500
Plan in Credit Management R1 620 R6 480

Human resource direction

Proper name of Program Cost per module Total cost of Programme
Class in Human Resourse Hiring Practices R1 400 R2 800
Course in Labour Relations Management R1 750 R3 500
Course in Managing Training and Evolution R1 750 R3 500
Plan in Man Resource Management R1 750 R7 000
Advanced Programme in Human being Resource Direction R2 550 R10 200


Name of Program Cost per module Full cost of Programme
Form in the Fundamentals of Insurance R1 700 R3 400

Marketing direction

Name of Programme Cost per module Full price of Program
Short Form in Client Service Management R1 500 R1 500
Brusk Grade in Public Relations R1 500 R1 500
Short Course in Customer Human relationship Marketing R1 500 R1 500
Course in Customer Human relationship Management R1 250 R2 500
Course in Customer Relationship Management Principles for Contact Centre Direction R1 250 R2 500
Course in Introduction to Sales and Marketing R1 500 R3 000
Class in Social Media Marketing R1 950 R5 850
Course in Public Relations R1 500 R3 000
Course in the Introduction to Marketing Management R1 500 R3 000
Plan in Business- to-Concern Marketing R1 500 R6 000
Programme in Customer Service R1 500 R9 000
Programme in International Marketing R2 000 R8 000
Programme in E-marketing R2 000 R8 000
Programme in Marketing Management R1 500 R6 000
Programme in Advanced Marketing Management R1 700 R6 800
Plan in Sales and Marketing R1 500 R6 000
Programme in Marketing and Marketing Inquiry R1 300 R5 200

Project, operations, product, TQM

Name of Programme Cost per module Total cost of Programme
Course in Work Study R2 475 R4 950
Course in Basics of Project Management R2 975 R5 950
Course in Basics of Full Quality Direction R2 475 R4 950
Programme in Full Quality Management R2 125 R8 500
Programme in Production/Operations and Productivity Management R1 987.50 R7 950

Purchasing and supply concatenation

Name of Programme Cost per module Total cost of Plan
Class in Introduction to Storage and Inventory Management R1 350 R4 050
Course in the Introduction to Supply Chain Direction R3 000 R3 000
Program in Purchasing and Supply Direction R1 500 R7 500
Avant-garde Programme in Sourcing and Supply Chain Management R1 700 R8 500

Retail management

Name of Programme Price per module Total cost of Plan
Grade in Introduction to Retailing R1 350 R2 700
Course in Retail Ownership R1 500 R3 000
Form in Retail Marketing and Merchandising R1 500 R3 000
Program in Retail Direction R1 500 R7 500

Run a risk Direction

Proper name of Programme Toll per module Full cost of Plan
Curt Course in Applied Adventure Management R1 850 R1 850
Programme in Risk Management R1 700 R11 900
Advanced Plan in Take chances Direction R2 000 R10 000


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